Sunday, July 25, 2010

On Offering Value

Why does it happen that some men really click with women while others are natural female repellents? Some guys have more than their share of girls while others simply cannot get a girl to save their lives,even when they are good-hearted gentlemen and fine human beings? Not fair,right? Is it because of something that they lack,something that they fail to do? Or is it perhaps because they do things which they should not be doing?

Female mind is said to be one of the most complex mysteries that lie before men.'What do women want?' is a question that even Freud said he couldn't solve.Beating your mind in order to grasp the intricacies of female psyche is not only debilitating,but also in a way,futile.In fact,the harder you try to answer this question,the more it befuddles you.So,instead of trying to understand and control the way women think,it is much more simpler and productive to understand what women RESPOND to,and control your OWN behaviour accordingly(Here is where evolution comes into play.Men and women are bound to respond to high-value behaviour).Hence,the more answerable and question of pertinence would be 'What do women respond to?'.This gets the question within the realm of human answering.

Essentially,there are numerous traits in men to which women respond.If a woman responds positively to a certain trait,it creates attraction.If a woman responds negatively to a certain trait,it destroys attraction.Although the traits which create attraction differ from woman to woman(what is attractive to one woman may not necessarily be attractive to another woman),there are few traits which are universally attractive to all women.One such trait in men which creates MASSIVE attraction within women is Offering Value.It's one of the biggest differences I've noticed between guys who consistently get girls and guys who don't.It doesn't matter how smooth you are or whether you have 'game' or not,at the end of the day,it boils down to this one thing.Most of the guys approach girls with a predetermined agenda in their minds-"I want this girl to talk to me,I want the girl to give me her phone number,I want her to come on a date with me,etc".They approach girls through a frame of neediness(the 'I want' frame),with a half-filled cup,trying to fill the void by getting approval from the girl so that they feel validated.However,what they don't realise is that we humans have auto-pilot responses towards certain types of behaviour.Whenever someone approaches us with a frame of neediness,we are subconsciously compelled to brush off that person.Classic example of this is when a beggar asks us for alms,we don't really start pondering over his economic situation and how it would affect his future well-being if we don't give him alms.We just distance ourselves from him.The reason we do this is because we know that the beggar has a predetermined agenda in his mind-to get money from us,which is subconsciously seen by us as sucking value.We know that he has no value to offer.In the same manner,guys who talk to girls with an agenda in their mind or in order to feel good about themselves(sucking value) are the ones who never succeed.On the other hand,guys who talk to girls in order to make the girls feel better about themselves(offering value) are the ones who always succeed.Now does this mean if you're extra nice to girls and pay them cheesy generic compliments,you'd make them feel good about themselves?The answer to this question is not just no,but HELL NO! There is a thin line between being unnecessarily nice and offering value.Being unnecessarily nice is reactive behaviour towards girls in order to win their approval and please them.Seeking approval and reactive behaviour can be smelled light-years away by girls and puts them off than most of the other things,if not all.Giving over the top generic compliments is not only unauthentic,it is also insincere and goddamn lame.Offering value,on other hand,is being cool and interesting person yourself so that you just suck girls in your world and reality,giving them the most awesome time of their lives.They want to be part of your reality because they're drawn into it by their own will,instead of you trying to do so with cheesy behaviour and fake compliments.You approach girls with a fully filled cup,thus leaving space only to offer and not seek validation.Here you're not being reactive,you're being proactive.Your sense of reality is strongly anchored within yourself and is so amazingly solid and lucrative that everyone is sucked into it and is having fun-because YOU are having fun.And when girls start having fun around you,they give you the credit for making them feel better about themselves.This creates attraction.

This is what offering value is about.Remember,ALWAYS leave girls better than you found them!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Magical Word of Wisdom™

Magical Word of Wisdom™ has been the most heavily guarded secret of all time.Over Millennia,conspiracies have been plotted,gruesome battles have been fought and epic ballads have been sung in its praise.Through channels of history it has traveled, enduring everything that came in its way until it reached the place where it was destined to be - my blog.Use it wisely and it will bestow upon you power beyond your wildest dreams.Pronounce it wrong and you'll be forever transformed into a centipede with arthritis.The choice,as they say,is yours.


Goodbye.See you on the other side.

(Ignore this post.This post was for people who are discerning enough to understand it and those who are,have already)